Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hiccups- 28wks 6 days

Today I felt baby hiccups for the first time =)

I was at the dr's office waiting to be called and I kept feeling a blip, blip, blip... When I got into the office I asked the dr what hiccups felt like. And she told me that was exactly what I was feeling. It was so crazy to feel, they were very faint and I had to concentrate on them to feel them, but it was amazing!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

4D u/s-28wks 3d

We went for our second 4D u/s today. I was so excited to get to see my little man again and was hoping he would cooperate and let us get some good shots of him. But he is is father's son and of course made us work for the few good shot we were able to get.

When we got our first look he had his legs up over his head. We weren't able to see his face at all. The Tech had me eat a munchkin, and walk around a bit. It seemed to help a little but he still had his arm in front of his fast the whole time. We were able to get a few semi good shots but even those had the umbilical cord in front of his face. It was still fun to get to see my little guy though. Rather then waste our 45 min session trying to get a good view we decided we would come back another time. The tech said the placenta is behind him, and the fluid is good so it's just a matter of him cooperating!

I think I am going to make the next appt for around 30 wks. That gives him some time to grow a little more, and then we have another 20 min session I might make for around 35 wks.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

First Trip to L&D - 28wks 2days

Yesterday I was panicking because I wasn't feeling movement like I usually do. I had to take an early lunch and run home to use the doppler. I felt a little better after hearing his hb but was still very worried about the decrease in movement. I drank some oj and tried to relax. I did start to feel more movement after that which put my mind at ease. He was moving up a storm after dinner and little bit last night.

When I woke up this morning I felt no movement yet again. I ate breakfast, dranks some oj and layed on my left side. When his movement didn't pick up I really started to get nervous. I checked his heartrate on the doppler and again it was fine. This did not make me feel better about his movemement though. I called my Dr and got the oncall Dr. He told me to head to L&D to be monitored. This made me more nervous I was hoping he would say everything was ok, but at the same time I was able to relax knowing they would find anything if there was anything to worry about at the hospital.

They hooked me up to a fetal scope to monitor his heartrate, and another monitor to check for contractions. Heartrate was good and the montior was able to pick up movement, only some of which I was able to feel. They monitored me for about 45 mins and said that everything looked good. The nurse was super nice and told me it's always better to come in if I feel like something is wrong then sit at home and worry. I was a bit embarrassed but I would rather be safe then sorry.

Let's hope my next trip to L&D is in July when this baby is ready to be born!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Got to see the little man-26wks 6 days

We went for our follow up u/s today. This was the one that the Dr sent us in for just to make sure the pain was nothing more then RPL. It was also a growth scan to make sure he is growing big and strong! Judging by the kicks lately he is doing just fine with the strong part. We have a follow up with the Dr on the 26th so I guess she will go over the results of the u/s with us then. Everything looked good as far as I could see. The tech told us he measured in the 50% for both height and weight, which means we have an average baby!

I love getting to see him, I could lay there watching him all night. I can't wait to have in my arms!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Today is a big day-26wks

Today is big day! I have soooo been looking forward to this day, I can't believe that I have made it this far!

We are 26 weeks today!!
26wks is a big day because it means that if God for bid our little guy was to make his entrance into the world early he would be viable. I know this is not the best way to think but throughout this entire pregnancy I have tried to take it day by day, week by week knowing that every week he continues to cook in there we are another week closer to having a healthy baby boy in our arms.

Up until 21 weeks: 0% survival rate

at 22 weeks: 0-10% survival rate

at 23 weeks: 10-35% survival rate

at 24 weeks: 40-70% survival rate

at 25 weeks: 50-80% survival rate

at 26 weeks: 80-90% survival rate

at 27 weeks: greater than 90% survival rate

I can't help but think of all the families out there that have lost their babies after the 26wk mark thinking they were in the clear. I know things happen, it's in God's hands at this point, but that does not help me to not stress and worry that something may happen to our lil guy. But for today I am thankful and blessed to be 26wks pregnant!

Today is also double digits!!
I cannot believe that in 99 days, more or less, we will have what we have been dreaming so long for. I remember when we were planning our wedding looking at our wedding ticker thinking time was moving soooo slow. We were engaged for 2yrs so time was moving slow! But I remember hitting double digits and realizing how big that was. Well, here I am six years later thinking my pregnancy is moving soooo slow. But seeing that ticker today in the double digits makes it feel so much closer.

Let the count down begin!

A year ago today...
our little guy was created! 4-8-09 was my egg retrieval, 41 eggs were retrieved, 32 fertilized 5 days later we recieved the news that and only 3 were unaffected by the inversion. I was disapointed with this number, but had to remain hopeful that the 2 we transferred would be our babies, and that we would then have a sibling for later down the road. After that cycle did not take I was devasted, I remember hearing the Dr tell us that the 3rd embryo was not strong and might not make to freeze. I was ready to throw in the towel, thinking our chance at having a biological child was gone. At our follow appointment the Dr told us that our last little embryo had made it to freeze. We had one last chance! I remember that day thinking it only takes one! In October we decided to give it one last chance before moving on to embryo adoption.

Well here in I am 26wks later feeling that little embryo kicking as I right this.

It only takes one!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Growing pains? 25wks 5 days

Today I called the Dr due to sharp pains I keep having in my lower abdomen. They seem to come and go but take my breathe away each time. I thought maybe they were braxton hicks but I wasn't sure what they feel like. The Dr told me to come in so she could check me out. Once there she did discover that I had a bladder infection. She said that could be causing some of the pain, but most likely it's just round ligament pain (growing pains). She gave me an antibiotic for the infection and a script for an u/s! Of course I am thrilled to have another u/s done, she just wants to be safe and make sure that's all it is. I felt like an alarmest running in there for some RLP, but hey I've never been pg before. I guess it's better to be safe then sorry.

I have the u/s scheduled for next Wednesday, so yay for an extra u/s!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter! 25wks 3 days

Happy Easter!

This is the last year that the Easter Bunny will be hopping past our house! I can't wait to add this little guy to our family. He is already so loved and so spoiled!

Hope everyone had a great Easter!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Heartbroken 25 wks 2 days

Today I received news that another Nestie has lost her baby. This only a week after the other. It is totally devastating to hear that these women who have tried so hard to get pg to begin with have now lost their sweet little girls. It seems so unfair, haven't they gone through enough already? I can't even begin to imagine the heartbreak they are feeling right now, I wish there I was something I could do or say but I know nothing but time will heal their hearts.

On a more selfish note I have decided to take a break from the message boards for awhile. My anxiety level is already sky high and hearing this devastating news is just adding to my anxiety. I am so terrified that something will happen to my little man. I have trouble sleeping at night because I worry that something might happen while I am sleeping. I over analyze his every move. If he is lazy and not moving I worry, if he moves to much I worry why is he moving so much? I still use my doppler nightly to make sure his heartbeat is strong. I worry about every lil pain I feel in my lower abdoman. I was so looking forward to V-day, viability day, 26 weeks but after hearing that Lindsay lost her baby today at 28 weeks I feel like I will never be able to take a deep breathe. I know it is not good to stress this much but as much as I try to have faith this little guy is safe and strong I still find myself having mini panick attacks. These next 15 weeks can't go fast enough!

My thoughts and prayers go out to Nina, Lindsey and their families. They are strong women who don't deserve this pain. I know they will find the strength to get through this difficult time and hold their babies one day with their little girls looking down watching over them.