Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Anatomy scan today-19wks5days

Tonight was our anatomy scan, I love seeing our little guy and never get tired of it!

It was just so amazing to see his little heart beating away, up until tonight it has always been just a flicker on the screen. But to see it up close and knowing that this little tiny baby inside me has this amazing heart beating away was just incredible.

He was not exactly cooperating, he was all tucked in a ball, at one point we got to see him with his feet over his head, he looked like he was folded in half! After changing positions a few times we were able to get what they needed, we got to see his kidneys, stomach, spine, it was all just so crazy. He is a little person now! We also verified that we are indeed having a little boy. It's just so crazy that we knew what he was last April when we did the transfer, but I will take any opportunity I get to make sure the PGD is right!

We had to go to the same place that we had the NT scan, luckily we didn't have to wait 2hrs this time!! Dh wasn't able to leave work early, and the appt was at 3. I was so afraid he was going to miss it so I took my time, the snow/rain helped me get there nice and late for the appt and luckily Dh was able to make it just in time.

I'm not super crazy about the tech, he was the same one as last time. He thinks he's funny when he's not and pretty much ruined all of our u/s pics by writing "hi mommy and daddy" in a word bubble on them all. I was able to photoshop one so it's not to bad, but it still annoys me.

It was great to see our little man again. I just can't wait to meet him!

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