Monday, November 24, 2008

Naming rights

Let me give you some of the back story:
DH and I have our names picked out, as silly as it may seem it keeps me sain to discuss and plan things within my control. DH really wanted a jr, but I am not crazy about jrs. So to win this fight I suggested Jack cause I love the name, but it happens to be his dads name. DH agreed to it. When I was born I was suppose to be a Michaela, my mom hated and refused. I love the name and since I was little have promised my dad this would be my first daughters name. So I figured we had it covered, our girl name honored my family and our boy name honored his.

Fast forward to last night: my mom says to me in front of my dad, "dad doesn't want you to name the baby Jack". I say why?! to which I get no answer. I then say I hope your not asking me to name him Roger, my dads name, he says no but adds that he has a middle name. Alan? Dad you can't be serious! My mom reminds my dad that his father's name is John so it can honor him also. My dad says so where do I fit in to the family tree, on this branch way out here? Are you kidding you going to be his grandfather thats where you fit in!! I remind him if its a girl she is going to be Michaela, He says ok good. But we all know that we a 50% chance of getting a boy.

Was the money naming rights? Thanks so much dad as if I wasn't stressed enough!! My dad never asks anything of me, I guess he saves it up for the really big stuff!! I am so mad at him. I feel like he put me in an awful situation. I had to bite my tongue but all I wanted to say was oh I guess we have to name the baby after you since your giving us the money we need to have it!? Not to mention this is all so silly since I am not even pg yet!

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