Monday, November 17, 2008

Finally some good news!

I am super excited, I love the RE, he was amazing. He was very down to earth and sympathetic which is a breathe of fresh air coming from my last practice. He also gave us more answers in the 20 mins we were in his office then I have gotten in the 3yrs at the last RE.

He has ruled out thrombosis, says it has very little to do with early loss's. It would be more likely to cause a loss later, like 9+ weeks.

He has do more "homework" but strongly believes its the inversion on my Dh's 10th chromosome. He made it seem like it is something that can be addressed with PGD or a procedure very similar. I asked if my PCOS could contribute to our loss's, and he said possibly but unlikely. If they look into the inversion and find that it is not the cause they will have to take a closer look at my genetic make up.

We talked about my previous IVF cycle, and how I got OHSS. I told him how terrified I am of OHSS again. He tole me he monitor closely and do the best he could. Once he did the u/s he said I need less LH, whatever that means, and that my ovaries are slightly PCOS like.

We met with the financial consultant and she explained that PGD is not covered by insurance. It is going to cost upwards of $5,000. I know a lot of you girls are oop, and I am very lucky to have the coverage we have, but I have no idea where we are going to get that much money.

I am so happy to have some answers. I am sad that we won't be able to move forward until January the earliest but could be as late as March. I am a little relieved that I am not the cause of the loss's because I have blamed myself a lot for them. I am most relieved to have answers!! I hope this is it I hope we can move forward from here and have our baby.

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