Thursday, October 30, 2008

Climb aboard the emotional roller coaster!!

I was suppose to go for blood work on Tuesday to check my beta, but after getting the news that my beta was barely moving on Sunday I decided I would just go on Thursday since I was going to be there for my consult anyway.
We met with the dr. and he confirmed that we have had another miscarriage. He pretty much compared this to rolling the dice, if you roll it enough times you will eventually get a 7. Great so I have to just keep rolling the dice! The problem is that with all of our loses, we have not been able to do any genetic testing because we have lost them so early, so we never get any answers. We have to many strikes against us and the only way to truly find out the cause is to try to fix one problem at a time. He suggested that we do two more Frozen Egg Transfers to use the embryos we have. He put me on Glucophage, and told me to continue with baby asprin and he would also put me on Heprin which is a blood thinner before our transfer. That would take out the PCOS factor, and the blood clotting disorder. If that did not work he suggested that we move forward with going to Chicago where they can do advanced genetic testing on our embryos. The problem is that if it my husbands inversion, it does not affect all his sperm, so we just have to get the one sperm that is not affected by it. We have never had much luck so I am going to guess we will not be lucky enough to get the unaffected sperm. So to put it simply we really don't have any answers. I am so looking forward to meeting with the new dr. and getting a fresh opinion. We got our records for the new dr and had my blood drawn.
I went to work and waited for the dreadful call where they would tell me that the numbers are dropping. I felt better with a plan, and knowing what to expect. While I was at work the nurse called and left a message on my cell phone. I listened to the message and are you ready? My levels have gone up to 97!! They doubled twice since Sunday. So I call back to make sure they had the right person, and they did!! I am trying to not allow myself to get excited because I have been down this road before, and the numbers are still really low, but a little part of me can't help but get excited. I did start bleeding last night because they took me off my supports on Sunday and I asked if I should start them back up but she said no, just to come in on Saturday to see if they go up again. So here we go now we wait, hope, and pray again!!

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