Saturday, May 30, 2009

Please oh, Please can I catch a break!

Last Thursday I started getting this soreness in my coccyx, mostly when I was sitting. Over the weekend as I was getting ready for the Memorial Day bbq we were going to have with some friends the pain got progressively worse.

By Sunday I had a fever, and was in to much pain to move. Unable to sit, or lay I thought about going to the ER, but my fever finally broke and decided to wait it out. The pain had never gotten this bad in the past, and had always passed after a few days, so I was hopeful that this would pass too. After canceling our bbq and resting all day Monday I was not able to get any relief from the pain.

Tuesday I was able to get into work for a few hours and then got an appt with the Dr. She gave me a RX for an u/s but the earliest I could get it was Wednesday. Knowing I was in to much pain for that, I had my dad take me to the ER. There they did xrays, gave me an RX for painkillers, and an antibiotic and told me to get the u/s as prescribed by my Dr. Thank God for viccodin, because that was the only thing that got me through the night.

I was able to get an appt for first thing in the morning for the u/s. I cried all the way there because it was so painful to get in the car and drive there. Once there I begged the u/s technician to be gentle since the slightest touch was excrutiating! She was able to find a cyst and sent them over to my Dr. STAT! I waited all day for my Dr to call with the results, with no luck. Finally my Dh called then demanding to talk to her. She finally called back and told me that I had a cyst that was now infected and had become a abcess. She said it would have to be removed, but no one would remove it while it was infected. She suggested going to the ER to have it drained 1 to relieve the pain, and 2 to drain the infection.

Thursday my mom took me back to the ER where they drained it, which by the way was the most painful thing I have ever experienced! I go back to the Dr Monday to get the dressing removed, it is still very sore, and can't wait for it to start to heal. I am really hoping this does not affect my vaction in July. I have soo been looing forward to this vaca, its much needed!

It's been a rough year. I just want a break from all this!

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