Saturday, April 25, 2009

And then there was 1!

So we thought it was over, we were out of the game. We have been throwing out different options, talking about where we are going to go from here.

Then yesterday my DH got the mail and we got a letter from our RE. One of our embies made it to freeze! I am trying not to get to excited, the day of our ET the Dr. told us it was a little slow, and not of the best quality. Of course, I will do the FET because ya never know maybe this is the one, but its just to soon after the BFN to get excited. I am excited to have another chance at this, I am excited that we are not totally out of the game just yet. I would feel better if there was 2 frozen just because we risk the chance of losing it when they thaw, also I have always felt that 2 would increase my chance at getting pg with 1. But I guess as I can see from this cycle that is not always the case.

So, now the question is when do I do it? Should I jump right into the cycle this month? This is what I really want to do, just because I am anxious. But once we complete this cycle if it doesn't work thats really it. Then we are officially done. If I wait a little while I have soemthing to hope for, to look forward to. I can wait till the summer when I am working 3 days a week. I will have the days off to go for the bw, u/s, and go to the appts. Or I can enjoy the summer, spend some time with DH, maybe go on vacation, and then do it in the fall.

I don't know what we are going to decide, but I am glad to know we have one last chance!

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