Thursday, January 8, 2009

Waiting Waiting Waiting!!!


Let me Back up for a minute, we were suppose to have a phone consult with the dr on Monday morning. Well we waited, and waited and waited....NOTHING!!!! We tried calling but kept getting the answering service. It is so annoying to me that at 7:30 in the morning they still have their answering service answering the phones! I guess this is the one thing that our old dr had to offer, I always knew when I could call and actually talk to a receptionist, I could ask to talk to an available nurse, and if there were none available I would leave a message and get a call back that day! Crazy HUH?!?
So I finally get a voice mail from a nurse once I am at work, she says I don't know if Dr. Scott called you if he didn't you can call to reschedule, he doesn't have all the info he needs to counsel you.
I call back on my lunch and SHOCKER I am unable to reach anyone. I left a message, and guess what? I did not get a call back all day!!!

Well at this point I decided that being nice and patient was going to get me no where, the squeaky wheel always gets the oil. So I called back the next day, this time I call my nurse. Again, no answer so I leave yet another message. In this message I make it clear that we are anxiously awaiting a call back and we are very eager to get this cycle started! Well again I do not get a call back...HELLO?! Do we even exist for petes sake?!?!

Whats one to do? How about call back the next day! I was going to call every chance I got until I heard something! So I finally get someone on the phone, and she says me and Maryellen (my nurse) were just talking about you and flagging stuff in your file. Ironic isn't it? Maybe its because I caught her off guard when she answered the phone. She asked if I could reschedule for today at 1pm, I said if that was the only time slot available we would make it work. She explained that the dr still needs more info before he can talk with us.

Ok, so now I am waiting....Again!!!

Well, I get a voice mail while I'm at work, that there is a hang up with the lab and the info the dr needs before he will meet with us. Maryellen is stalking the lab and I will be holding appts for you every few days until we get the info we need.


I'm tired of waiting, really tired of waiting!! Its been 3 yrs of waiting, haven't I put my time in yet? Haven't I paid my dues? I was feeling so positive that this was our year, but with every day that passes I am losing more hope. If I don't start cycling soon we will not be ready to do this by March. I'm sure you guys can do the math, but in case your missing the obvious if I don't get pregnant my March then we are out for 2009!

I tired! I'm worn out! I don't want to do this anymore! I want to have our baby, I want to be pregnant, I want it so bad I can feel it. I can see the decorated nursery, and the pg belly which, oh by the way thanks to IF and depression, will not be a cute pg belly anymore.

SO for now we sit and wait, we can do nothing more then just sit and wait!

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