Monday, November 3, 2008

Losing my patience!

After Saturday's call where the nurse messed up my number I am really starting to lose my patience with these people. I know it's not their fault that I am going through this, but it's hard enough emotionally, but added with their mix ups and I'm starting to go crazy!! I waited all day for their call today and when I hadn't heard from them by 4:30 I decided to call them. I got the nurse and she said oh yeah I called and left a message for you at home. WHY?!?! They have never called me at home, I have always asked them to call me on my cell. They can't even get this right!! SO my levels are now up to 221, I finally get to go in tomorrow for an ultrasound. I asked the nurse if there was any chance that this was a viable pregnancy, she said the numbers going up is a good thing but they should be higher at this point. I am hoping that I will get some answers tomorrow. I have done some research online and sometimes when levels are low and slowly rise it is a sign on an ectopic pg. I really hope that is not the case. Lucky my husband is off tomorrow so he will be there with me, just want this to be over!

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